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Wanderlust Leather Earthing Sandals

Custom handmade earthing sandals made from 100% genuine leather.

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Based Footwear

Reconnect to the Earth in style!

Our most popular product! Call them shoes, moccasins, sandals, or slippers, these are perfect for connecting to the earth in style. Thick enough to protect the foot from sharp rocks or other litter underfoot, but thin enough to feel the ground beneath one’s feet, our shoes are made of soft, genuine cow leather. Some say that there is a benefit to connecting to the earth’s electromagnetic field by walking barefoot, a benefit which is disrupted by the plastic and rubber soles of modern shoes. These shoes were created with that idea in mind, since leather soles allow for grounding in a way that most modern shoes do not. Each pair of shoes is crafted custom to the wearer’s feet, and the shoes are fully adjustable to enable precision fitting. From newborn babies to full-grown men, we can make shoes for anyone! These shoes are available in two colors: Ursa Minor (caramel brown) and Ursa Major (chocolate brown). Simply fill out the form below, adding the proper foot measurements and selecting the desired color, and you will receive an email within one business day to confirm your order and discuss payment options! 

earthing sandals

Earthing Shoe Order Form

Shoe Styles


8 + 12 =

After submitting this form, payment details will be sent to you.

After payment is received please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery.

Please also be sure to measure twice, as a “perfect fit” is not guaranteed, however the shoe is adjustable with the laces.

Also note that if you order the child-sized shoes, a tracing of the child’s feet will be needed to be sent to the address in the invoice. A tracing is not necessary for the adult sizes.